How can the UK create the world’s most attractive labour market?
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Modernising Employment (MODE) is a cross-party group of Members of Parliament and the House of Lords who share an interest in understanding how the UK labour market can lead the world in driving growth and providing a level playing field for everyone.
What is an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)?
An APPG is a forum for Parliamentarians to collaborate, share information, and raise awareness about a particular subject it is a grouping of Members of both Houses of Parliament from different political parties, who come together to focus on a specific topic or issue of interest. This cross-party composition allows for a diverse range of views and expertise to be brought together to promote public awareness, influence positive change and engage in events and seminars.
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Public need to know AI is there for good, not evil
AI’s often negative perception based on villainous intelligent technology in films and novels must be better managed to help public confidence. The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on modernising employment was told this week that the negative feelings surrounding artificial intelligence must be dealt with to raise the public’s confidence in developing its role in the…